České dráhy
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Are you planning a train journey for a passenger using a wheelchair? We enjoy transporting passengers using wheelchairs aboard our trains. To ensure a smooth journey, including all transfers, please book your journey at least 24 hours in advance. If you’re travelling abroad, or if it’s necessary to extraordinarily to add a carriage with a platform lift, then please book your journey at least 48 hours in advance. When booking a journey with a transfer, please ensure that you have sufficient time for the transfer at the transfer station.
If you are traveling by train of another carrier, it is necessary to book the journey on its train directly with this carrier.
If you combine several different companies on your journey, book your trip with a wheelchair or train station assistance through the booking system One Ticket Asistence.
More about travel for passengers using wheelchairs
Please enter the telephone number in international format +420 123 456 789.
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