What is an All-Day Ticket+Germany (Celodenní jízdenka+Německo)?
Travelling to a German border region? For all-day travel in German border regions and adjacent regions in the Czech Republic, you can use a discounted network ticket.
Valid from 13 December 2020
Travelling to a German border region? For all-day travel in German border regions and adjacent regions in the Czech Republic, you can use a discounted network ticket.
The All-Day Ticket+Germany (Celodenní jízdenka+Německo) offers
Can I purchase an All-Day Ticket+Germany (Celodenní jízdenka+Německo) in the e-shop?
No. An All-Day Ticket+Germany (Celodenní jízdenka+Německo) can only be purchased in a ticket office or from a conductor on the train (if you are travelling from a station where the ticket office was not open).
No, these tickets cannot be purchased in advance sales. They must be purchased on the day they are used.
Introduction About Tickets International Tickets