Basic NRT fare

Valid from 10 December 2017

Základní jízdné NRT

What is the basic NRT fare?

Travelling abroad and not using any kind of discounted offer? Then you can always travel on the basic NRT fare, which is the basic fare for tickets used for travel around Europe.

Where and how to purchase a ticket for the basic NRT fare?

  • at a ticket counter
  • in the e-shop for journeys to selected countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia)

Basic NRT fare offers

International NRT (Non-Reservation Integrated Ticket) tickets

  • validity of one-way and return tickets is 4 days
  • the journey can be commenced at any time during the ticket's validity
  • unless otherwise stipulated in the special transport conditions, the journey can be interrupted at any time and any number of times without formalities
  • possibility of providing a discount for children or groups
  • the ticket is not bound to a specific train
  • further discounts are provided for children under 18 years of age, students aged 18 - 26 and passengers over 65



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