VLAK+ Prague Zoo (VLAK+ Zoo Praha)

Valid from 15 December 2024

VLAK+ Zoo Praha

What is VLAK+ Prague ZOO (VLAK+ ZOOPraha)?

Travel with us in comfort by train to Prague, save on your fare and visit the Prague Zoo with a discount! Only with us will you receive a discounted fare as well as a 20% discount on admission. Over 4,500 animals are waiting for you at the Prague Zoo.

Where and how to get VLAK+ Prague Zoo (VLAK+ Zoo Praha)?

  • in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) application

What VLAK+ Prague ZOO (VLAK+ ZOO Praha) offers

  • a comfortable journey to Prague by direct trains from all over the Czech Republic
  • discounted ticket price
  • 20% discount on admission to the Prague Zoo with a VLAK+ ticket
  • You can travel aboard ČD trains to the stations Praha hl.n., Praha-Holešovice, Praha-Libeň or Praha Masarykovo nádraží.

In order to activate the ticket for the return journey from Prague, the visit to the Prague Zoo must be confirmed by scanning the relevant QR code in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) application. Codes are available at all Prague Zoo ticket counters. When scanning the QR code, it is necessary to have an internet connection and location services must be enabled in your mobile telephone.

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