Station details
Railway stations providing the check-in services for passengers in national transport through another carrier or a contractual reseller
Integrated Transport System
The station is incorporated into an integrated transport system.
Passenger Areas
Areas for passengers.
Hours of operation:
Po-Pá 06:30-15:00
So-Ne 08:30-17:00
Accessible WC in the Station
There is a disabled accessible WC in the station
Hours of operation:
Po-Pá 06:30-09:45, 10:15-15:00
So-Ne 08:30-11:45, 12:15-17:00
Bus Line Stop
In the vicinity of the station there is a bus line stop.
Buffet or Fast Food
There is a buffet or fast food in the station.
Another carrier's ticket office
Another carrier's ticket office (limited range)
Hours of operation:
Po-Pá 06:30-15:00
So,Ne 08:30-17:00
Station Accessibility - b2
Access to the railway station building or railway stop (including the passenger shelter) is barrier-free
Platform Accessibility - n0
There is no barrier-free access to any platform or no platform at a standard height of 550 mm above top of rail (according to CSN 73 4959)
The station is on lines:
160Plzeň - Žatec (- Most)Display
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